Soda Consumption and Your Teeth

With information available to everyone, it is a well-known fact that soda is bad for your teeth. But have you ever thought about how bad it is? You may also wonder if diet soda is better.

The right person you can ask in this regard is your dentist if you are worried about your own particular case. However, you can also get help from some general instructions to make a head start.

What does soda consist of?
Before we talk about the hazards of soda and the extent at which it can be harmful, it is worth mentioning the ingredients a can of soda contains. Soda usually consists of natural or artificial flavoring, carbonated water, coloring and artificial sweetener.

Although every ingredient here tends to deliver harm in any way, we are going to discuss about carbonated water and sweetener because these are the ingredients which damage teeth. Sweetener can be sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. And carbonated water consists of carbonic acid which gives soda the bubbly taste which people want.

How soda is bad?
Talking from dental perspective, soda is bad for teeth because it contains sugar and acidity. Now, you can imagine the combo effect of both unhealthy items at work.

We all know about oral bacteria and their capability to release acid which can damage teeth. When you drink soda, the amount of sugar which enters into your mouth is quite enough to cause serious damage to the oral health. And since it results in production of acid, it is worth mentioning the additional acid which comes with the sugar contained by soda. Hence, the consumption of soda mainly results in the production of acid in an amount you should never ingest.

Diet soda
You may think of diet soda as better option as compared to regular soda. Well, it isn’t as harmful as regular because it doesn’t contain sugar. But when we compare it with the regular soda, we do not compare something good with something bad. It’s like comparing something bad with something worse. The reason is that diet soda is still highly acidic.

It is not just about your teeth
Talking about soda effects in wider perspective, it’s not just the oral health we should be concerned about. Soda is pretty dangerous for overall health. When it is ingested, it goes directly into the stomach which already has sufficient amount of acidity. Soda brings more acidity and that too completely uncalled for due to different nature. Hence, this intake can result in infected stomach and malfunctioning liver.
